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Expert SEO Agency for Manufacturing

Results-Driven Search Marketing Agency

Despite being a more ‘offline’ activity compared to some industries, having a solid online presence is still essential for those in the manufacturing sector. When potential clients are searching for manufacturing services, the first thing they often do is use a search engine. These days, it’s not enough to provide exceptional products and services and receive excellent feedback: SEO—or search engine optimisation—is important for all businesses, manufacturers included.

What is SEO for Manufacturers?

Short for ‘search engine optimisation,’ SEO is the process of improving the visibility of and ranking of a website in search engine results pages, referred to as SERPs, to draw in more organic traffic. For manufacturers, the aim is to appear at the top so that those searching for manufacturing services in the area see your page first.

SEO is crucial for attracting new customers and growing a business. For many, Google (and others), is the go-to way to find manufacturing services, which means that a high position and robust presence online is needed.

Optimising a manufacturing website for search engine optimisation has many strands. This includes developing and improving the content, structure and technical performance of the website. It will involve identifying the most common search terms and creating high-quality content that targets them. It also involves improving the load speed and navigation of the website.

Manufacturers’ SEO efforts should also consider expanding the organisation’s online presence elsewhere by managing online third-party directories and reviews and building links from high-authority websites. A comprehensive approach to SEO will ensure that manufacturers can attract and retain more clients to their business.

Steps to Optimise a Manufacturing Website for SEO

Optimising a manufacturing website involves several key steps with each one being important for improving search ranking and client reach. An SEO specialist can audit and improve SEO quickly and effectively. Here are the steps involved:

Conduct an SEO Audit of Your Site. An SEO audit will identify how and where a website can be improved in terms of SEO. The process will involve a thorough evaluation of the website and its technical and on-page SEO. The audit will review and analyse things like structure, content, performance and backlinks to find anything that might impede the site’s ability to rank higher in search results. The ultimate aim of this site audit is to find out how a website can improve its SEO and online presence.

Review the Website Page Speeds. A website’s ranking is impacted negatively by slow loading times because search engines prioritise user experience. Websites that are slow to load increase bounce rates because customers don’t stick around long enough.

Keyword Research. This involves identifying keywords relevant to manufacturing that have good search volumes. For manufacturers, these are typically industry-specific terms and product categories (e.g., “custom metal fabrication,” “plastic injection moulding,” along with the potential client’s location like “Metal Fabrication Liverpool” and “Plastic injection moulding Manchester.”

Another thing to consider is how competitive the keywords are—often, targeting less competitive keywords achieves quicker results.

Optimise Content. Once keywords are identified, the content on your website and web pages should be updated to include these naturally. SEO specialists can help you strategize how you use keywords.

Create New Content. As well as reviewing what’s already there, with an expert SEO strategy, you can create new content to target your chosen keywords. In doing so, you’ll provide information that people are searching for while directing them your way.

Develop Backlinks. Having good backlinks is essential for building credibility and website authority for search engines. These are some of the most important factors that search engines use to rank.

Thousands of online searches for manufacturing-related keywords happen every month. With a strong SEO strategy, manufacturers can generate recurring leads, attract new clients, and, therefore, increase revenue. Without search engine optimisation and a robust strategy, manufacturers may lose clients to their competitors who rank higher.

Why Manufacturing Businesses Should Prioritise SEO

High Demand

Manufacturing-related keywords are in high demand, which means there’s a lot of potential for a high volume of website traffic.

Strong ROI

With a high demand for manufacturing keywords, it means that people are looking for manufacturing products. As such, ranking well for these keywords drives traffic and has an impact on the company’s revenue.

Brand Awareness

Increasing the visibility of your website also leads to an increase in brand awareness. This means that more potential customers will hear about your brand, helping to increase its credibility and making it grow.

Leads to a Better Website

Your website is improved when you carry out SEO processes. When your website is better overall, it receives more traffic, including traffic from email and social media as well as search engines. It improves:

  • Site speed
  • Navigation
  • Usability
  • Content

Your Competitors are Doing it

SEO has been around for a while and the top manufacturers will all be using it to generate traffic and gain new clients from organic search. Without SEO, manufacturing websites won’t perform as well and will be losing out on revenue and new clients.

How Does SEO Work for Manufacturers?

Digital marketing specialists will work with you to go through your website and make changes to improve your SERP ranking. With SEO, customers find your website organically, which boosts your traffic and increases leads.

How Much Does SEO Cost?

Manufacturing firms deal with SEO in one of two ways. It’s either done by an internal marketing team or by a specialist external agency. The costs and what is delivered differ significantly.

Internal marketing teams don’t always have the necessary expertise in manufacturing SEO, which means they might not get the best results—and they’ll be salaried.

An external SEO agency, however, has experienced manufacturing SEO specialists who deliver the results at a fraction of the cost.

Speak to Epic New Media today to arrange a free audit of your manufacturing website.