Using Google Analytics to improve your SEO performance

It is easy to scan the internet to search for new tricks and tips to help boost your SEO performance, but the problem is, every site is unique. A tactic that works well for one site may not work so well for another. Instead, you need to find out what works well for your site, and then double down on the right tactics. Luckily for you, Google Analytics is there to help by measuring some vital statistics.
Understand what content visitors are enjoying
By using statistics like “average session duration” and “average time on page”, you can get an immediate understanding as to whether the content you are publishing is actually being enjoyed. A low “session duration” indicates that your content is lacking somehow. Instead, look at content with a high “session duration” and “time spent on page” to see what trends in your content people best enjoy. Such pages have a much better chance to perform better over time, as Google will realise these same stats and rank you more highly in the future.
Understanding what is the right content for your target customers
It’s all well and good getting your content to rank, but you want to ensure you are ranking the right content and not wasting your time. Statistics like “bounce rate” will indicate whether or not people are actually sticking around on your site after finding you on Google. A low “bounce rate” indicates that people are then exploring the rest of your site as it is helpful to them. Also, look at the “location” and “demographic” of your users. You can then match these figures to your typical customer profile to see whether or not the people are actually likely to buy from you or not.
Be sure to use annotations
As you try new tactics to help get your content to rank, make use of the annotations tool. Just click on the small downwards-facing arrow below your data chart. Here, you will see the option to “add annotation”. Makes note of the changes you make and then look for trends a few weeks later to see which changes you’ve made are leading to the best SEO results.
Optimising your site and getting the most out of tools like Google Analytics requires time and a commitment to learning new skills. To help speed up the process and boost your SEO efforts today, you may want to consider working with us here at Epic New Media. We offer a bespoke SEO service and know how to properly optimise sites to improve the content and attract the right sorts of visitors. To find out more about what we could offer you, contact our team today.