How to improve your e-commerce PPC campaign
Being an e-commerce website can be difficult with the likes of Amazon and eBay potentially competing with you. PPC (Pay-Per-Click) is an effective and efficient way of generating sales and attracting new customers. But how can you boost your company’s e-commerce PPC campaign so that the business can reach its true potential? Here are our tips for improving your e-commerce PPC campaign…
The first thing is to make sure that the advertising copy that you are writing is of a high standard. It should be short and to the point whilst providing thorough details of what you’re selling and why a customer should have it, as well as being catchy and memorable (think of “You buy one, you got one free!”). It should also include your USP (Unique Selling Point), whether that be relating to price, quality, location, size or another factor. In short, the advertising copy has to be as strong as possible in attempting to attract business.
Next, you should consider ad extensions, which can be very useful in spreading the word about advertisements to other platforms, one example being Google AdWords. There are various ad extensions that are designed specifically to boost e-commerce.
The SiteLinks Extension is a popular tool which many sites use, as this has many functions such as featuring specific products in the advertisement to increase the impact of keywords, highlight your service/product’s main features by using Structured Snippets; taking advantage of Location Extensions so that your customers can find the nearest branch for your organisation to them; qualifying your web traffic; and split-testing your written advertising copy by creating slightly different variants and generating feedback to discover which is most effective and using that content henceforth.
Another tip you may want to consider is the use of what are known as broad and branded product keywords. The idea of this to pick out what you, or indeed search engines such as Google, may consider to be the most useful keywords as they would suit both broad-term product campaigns and also branded-term product campaigns. In short, there are keywords that would come up in both a general, speculative search and a name-specific product search, making this ideal to use for e-commerce PPC campaigns.
Finally, you should definitely aim to include some Calls To Action (CTAs) in the headline of the advertising copy for your e-commerce PPC campaign. A Call To Action is essentially the go-to link for any interested customers that will take them from simply browsing to actually making a purchase. It has generally been proven that those ads with possess strong CTA text in their copy headlines (using such terms as “on sale”, “buy now”, “special offer”, “shop now” and “shop for”) produce greater success for the business.
These are just some of the ways that you can improve your e-commerce PPC campaign. As stated, the main reason why you are using such campaigns will be to boost business and increase customer conversions, so anything that can provide a benefit and have a positive impact on your sales should definitely be considered, with the above tactics and similar techniques having been proven to bring about further success.