The 6 easiest SEO mistakes to make (and how to fix them)
Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a complex thing and getting to grips with it can take a lot of time and effort. And like anything you do in regard to online marketing there are things you could get right, and things you could get wrong. You have to keep up to date with the latest […]
Read MoreIs it worth targeting Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines?
When we talk about search engine optimisation (SEO) we often automatically refer to the Google search engine as it is the most widely known and used. There are other search engines too – Bing and Yahoo! being the two biggest competitors – so is it necessary to optimise your pages for their bots (and human […]
Read MoreEmbracing a Data-Driven Approach to Content Marketing
“Content is king” is the mantra of many a website manager and online marketer, but it is much more than a simple catch-all phrase. The real trick is to go beyond the realms of good content and delve into what makes for great content that influences, engages, drives repeat custom, strengthens relationships and develops the […]
Read MoreRefining a content marketing strategy, for search
The main purpose of content marketing is to attract prospective customers or retain existing clientele and provide them with something relevant, useful and valuable. By doing so, it can change or enhance their browsing behaviour and purchasing decisions, which should result in greater business prosperity. These days, the majority of consumers are becoming increasingly disillusioned […]
Read MoreSearch engine marketing in 2015 – how to be a winner
Everyone makes resolutions to do better at the start of a new year, so why not add “improve my search engine marketing results” to your list for 2015? There have been many algorithm changes on the likes of Google in 2014, and more should be expected over the coming months. Of course, we can never […]
Read MoreCould Smart Watches Change Local SEO?
The unveiling of Apple’s latest products always creates a storm among industry experts and tech-lovers, but the announcement of the Apple Watch earlier this month was a particular revelation. Several brands have already ventured into the world of smartwatches, but Apple’s arrival into the arena signals a new period of development and design for the […]
Read MorePPC and SEO are best combined together
Pay-per-click and search engine optimisation are often thought of as two very different online strategies, which they are. But, many companies only go for one or the other, most usually because they see a greater potential ROI from one strategy. However while these two strategies are different, they actually compliment one other and are best […]
Read More6 myths surrounding SEO that aren’t true
There are all sorts of things said about SEO (search engine optimisation), much of which stems from the fact that no-one knows the full extent of the algorithms used by the search engines to determine ranking. Somehow, when you are designing and optimising your site, you have to get to the bottom of what is fact and […]
Read MoreThe link between payment methods and conversion rates
When setting up your online store you will have had a myriad payment options to choose from – PayPal, Skrill, WorldPay, SagePay and Google Wallet are just a few, all allowing you to accept the major credit and debit cards like MasterCard, Maestro and Visa. You probably compared all the merchant fees, the user experience […]
Read MoreThe latest Google update explained
Google releases updates to its search engine algorithms more often than many people realise. Searchers probably do not notice a difference, but for website owners the changes can play havoc with their rankings on the results pages. It is therefore important that any business with a website stays abreast of the latest developments in search […]
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