Five Awesome Interactive Infographics for your Inspiration

Infographics have become big business over the past few years. Far from a few nice-looking pictures, they are now beautiful things of digital illustration and can be a key tool in your online marketing arsenal. But now that anyone and everyone uses infographics it is becoming increasingly difficult to stand out from the crowd and get attention. It can still be done, you just need to have a real creative flair and do something a bit out of the ordinary.
One of the ways that many brands are attempting to take their infographics to the next level is with interactivity. It is now possible to allow viewers to interact with an infographic – to click for an animation or click through direct to a website. Using HTML5 and JavaScript your web/design departments should be able to enhance your flat infographics and turn them into clever features that will get you noticed. They take extra time, but with a strong creative idea they can be wonderfully executed and very worthwhile.
Read on for five excellent examples of interactive infographics that should help to inspire you.
If you work with live data that people need to see in real-time then take your lead from the LRA Crisis Tracker built by Invisible Children. It incorporates both live data feeds and pre-written tweets to present information on abductions and civilian deaths in central Africa. Data comes from UN agencies, Invisible Children’s early warning radio network and local NGOs. Unlike many static infographic built on data this will never become old.
Although not a traditional infographic the Breathing Earth website shares many similar characteristics. It uses birth and death rates from the 2010 CIA World Factbook to show population changes around the globe and carbon emission stats. Because it is relevant worldwide it has huge appeal, with hundreds of thousands of shares on Facebook.
The Bright Future of Car Sharing
This is an interactive infographic that is as gorgeous to look at as it is useful. The car is used to navigate the landscape, making it really fun to explore while you learn about car sharing. It combines clear information on the service alongside interesting facts on emissions and car use.
Created by MahiFX, You vs John Paulson has allowed the company to get noticed in a highly competitive online environment. Forex Trading is big business in SEO, so this infographic is used in an ethical approach to link building. Furthermore, it is funny, annoying and interesting.
If you ever wondered just how small and inconsequential you are in this world then this is the infographic for you! It is fun and fascinating in equal measures, plus full of wonder.