SEO and Evergreen content
Evergreen content – those longer lasting articles and webpages that your business uses to showcase your offer – is often thought of as secondary to new content. We often hear that fresh and engaging content is the way to go and that regular blogging is the way to keep Google happy. So what’s the point to […]
Read MoreSEO myths it’s time to leave behind
Everyone has heard the myths that perpetuate about the SEO industry, but in a digital world that changes so often, it’s hard to sort the fact from the fiction. Here are some SEO myths that definitely need to be put to bed once and for all! SEO gains can be achieved overnight That online expert […]
Read MoreQuick and easy tips for instant SEO investment gains
Successful SEO is an investment that takes time and money. But that doesn’t mean you can’t put the wheels in motion with a little extra time and effort right now. These tips are well worth the time and will help to grow your rankings for the targeted keywords that matter most to you. Work on […]
Read MoreThe top four SEO mistakes to avoid in 2018
We all feel like we know SEO and yet at the same time, it’s a stranger. Like an ever-elusive friend, just as we think we’ve figured it out it goes and changes. With SEO, it’s easy to know what you should do, harder to know how to do it, and even harder still to know […]
Read MoreSEO tips for your mobile design
It’s 2018 and it’s time to ensure that your mobile web design is up to scratch for SEO. As of March 2017, it’s estimated that over 80% of top Alexa websites are adapted to mobile. Therefore, if you want your website to excel in performance, you need to ensure it’s optimised for mobile. To help […]
Read MoreWhy you shouldn’t try to cheat the search engines and what to do instead
SEO is one of the most important aspects of your marketing strategy. Even the most creative brochure on the best card stock money can buy can’t compare with a fully optimised website that’s mobile-ready and bursting with great content. Creating that kind of website and optimising it for the search engines can be hard work, […]
Read More4 SEO resources you have to follow in 2018
Search engine optimisation is one of the most important strings you could add to your digital marketing bow, with Google dominating most of our online decisions. Going into 2018, Google is showing no sign of giving up its supremacy. It can be tough to keep up with the latest developments in SEO, which is why […]
Read More3 SEO trends expected to dominate in 2018
With 2017 coming to a close, this is the perfect chance for you to take a step back from your site and assess how successful your SEO campaign has been this year. You can see what’s gone well and maybe not so well, and start to look at ways to revamp your efforts for the […]
Read MoreWhat are rich snippets and how can you use them?
You may have come across the term “rich snippets”, but you may be unsure about what they involve. We’re here to tell you! Rich snippets are essentially a website preview. Created by Google in 2009, rich snippets sit below search engine results while providing a quick sample of that site’s content. It acts as a […]
Read More4 tips to take your website global
For prospering and ambitious businesses that are looking to engage in international business, a key factor in their overseas expansion plans will be to have a website that has a global reach and can build up a worldwide target audience. But what steps can you take in order for your company’s website to go global? […]
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