How to use your existing content to improve SEO
Everyone knows that content is king when it comes to creating an interesting, engaging website that is great for visitors and SEO, but too often website owners forget about all the existing content they have and concentrate only on creating new pieces. This could mean they are missing out on some important content marketing opportunities. An […]
Read MoreDisavow Generator – A New Tool to Disavow Your Bad Links
We’ve just launched a disavow generator that will make it easy for you to create, correctly format and submit a Disavow file to Google so that you can let them know about any bad links that may be affecting your site’s performance in their search results. It can save you a lot of time. Why should you […]
Read More12 SEO trends and predictions for 2015
The world of search engine optimisation (SEO) is always changing. Google and other search engines regularly update their algorithms to determine how the bots that crawl our sites will see important factors, and sometimes marketing tactics fall out of favour or new techniques become widely used. All of which means that it can be tricky […]
Read More7 SEO predictions for 2015
Search engine optimisation (SEO) has come a long way since the days of stuffing vaguely relevant keywords into every available whitespace on your web page and buying links to your site wherever you could get your hands on them. With the evolution of the world wide web, Google developments and more savvy searchers, SEO is an incredibly […]
Read More5 alternative marketing methods to SEO
You may think that SEO is the be-all and end-all when it comes to online marketing options, but actually there are many others things you could, and should, be doing to promote your online presence. Getting traffic to your site can be done in a variety of ways and it pays to explore several of them – […]
Read MorePageRank Sculpting Explained
What is PageRank Sculpting? PageRank Sculpting is the method, or act, of quite specifically controlling the flow of PageRank through a website by telling Google not to follow certain links or pages. It’s a great way of keeping more weight on the pages that matter rather than allowing it to flow to pages that you don’t […]
Read MoreEssential SEO Stats to Monitor Website Performance
There are all sorts of ways you can analyse your website, and the one you probably hear about most is SEO (search engine optimisation). Good SEO is the backbone of any website and should be considered a key priority along with great design and content. Site optimisation is nothing new – the original web masters were doing it long […]
Read MoreHow Important is PageRank in 2014?
PageRank relates to the number of links that point to your website and was developed by Google owners Larry Page and Sergey Brin. It is one part of the complex algorithms that Google uses to rank your site in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) and is known as the oldest and most famous. As […]
Read MoreWhat Are Long-Tail Keywords and How Do I Target Them?
You are probably aware of which keywords are relevant and performing the best for your site, but have you branched out into long-tail keywords? These are the longer, more specific keyword phrases that people use when searching. Often, people will use a long-tail keyword when looking for something very specific they know the name of, […]
Read MoreThe Most Important Ranking Factors for Websites in 2014
Google and other search engines often update their algorithms, meaning different factors may assist or hamper in your efforts to get to the top of the natural ranking pages. The problem is that exactly what these factors are, or how they work together, is not always known! This means you must work on a variety […]
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