How to rank in AI search results?
Though it has existed for much longer, for many people in the general population, AI arrived with ChatGPT in November 2022. And ever since, the interest and usage of AI platforms have witnessed remarkable growth. From image generators to generative AI, using artificial intelligence has become much more mainstream and there is a rise in […]
Read MoreWhat is a lead generation funnel and how can it benefit your business?
In business, particularly online business efforts, one term seems to echo louder than most: lead generation funnel. You’ve probably stumbled upon it in marketing discussions or seen it listed as a crucial strategy in articles (like this one!). But what exactly is this enigmatic funnel, and why does it hold such weight as a business […]
Read MoreCan you use AI to generate SEO content?
As any online business knows, search engine ranking is the key to success. But getting a site on the first page of Google and keeping it there isn’t easy. With algorithms changing and fresh content required quickly, marketers, writers and business owners are turning to AI programs like ChatGPT to assist them. AI generator software […]
Read MoreSEO content writing tips
Content is critical to all SEO strategies today. Textual content enables Google and other search engines to understand your site. It also excites, educates, and persuades website visitors too. So, with that in mind, read on to discover some helpful SEO content writing tips. Embrace action words Can you remember old English classes about action […]
Read MoreImproving dwell time: A great hack to boost your SEO efforts
As you likely know, there’s no one-step guide to ranking highly in Google. Instead, it takes time and effort spent creating compelling content, optimising posts and tweaking onsite variables. However, there is one key metric you should always be focusing on to help boost your site’s rankings and that is dwell time. What is dwell […]
Read MoreSEO and Evergreen content
Evergreen content – those longer lasting articles and webpages that your business uses to showcase your offer – is often thought of as secondary to new content. We often hear that fresh and engaging content is the way to go and that regular blogging is the way to keep Google happy. So what’s the point to […]
Read MoreWhat is evergreen content? Plus, how to create the most lucrative content of all!
Evergreen content is something business owners are told they need; but something most business owners don’t understand. “What is evergreen content?” is a question we’re asked quite often, so we thought we’d write about it to clarify a few things. What is evergreen content? Evergreen content is content that works over a longer period of […]
Read MoreIs ‘thin content’ dangerous?
We all know that Google is constantly updating its algorithm to provide online users with the best search experience possible. In fact over the past few years, it has developed a brain that understands the wants and needs of searchers with astounding accuracy. While this advanced algorithm looks for technical additions and omissions, it also […]
Read MoreContent Marketing is Similar to Playing Golf…
Bear with us on this one, as it will start to make sense once you read on. We accept they couldn’t be further apart in several different ways, but various aspects of playing golf can be compared with content marketing and vice versa. And sometimes, it is necessary to make an analogy between certain marketing […]
Read MoreThe 3 keys to creating a content strategy for your blog
A lot of business owners will have experience with blogging, which is one of the finest ways to publish brand opinion and get relevant and engaging content to customers. But while it's all of that plus much more, it's important to consider that there's more to building up a successful company blog than simply […]
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